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bear market danger

If you are in a bear market there will always be people calling the "bottom". There will always be people saying, very loudly, that because a stock is $10 and it once was $40, it belongs in the value category. The best advice is to not listen to the major of people who come on television and give stock picking advice. They are usually on the tube for reasons other than their stock picking prowess. Here are two of the most likely reasons for someone to go on a program and pump certain stocks.
1. They have a book to sell
2. They own the stock and it has been trashed and they want to sell. (pump and dumpers)
3. They are horrible at picking stocks and have a horrible track record and need the publicity in order to keep their business afloat.
Try to get into the habit of searching the Internet and financial papers for your stock information. It will be more difficult at first but you will be much better off in the long run.