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Trading your own money is best training

It typical times when we are not in a recession or depression, there is no special formula or way figure out the best time to buy.  During a bull market the vast majority of stocks will trend upward over several months time.  The idea is to find the stocks that will make the biggest gains if you do not just want to buy index funds. 

Picking individual stocks is the way to make large amounts of money in the market.  The 10% idea is not your goal if you want to make a living trading stocks or if you want to increase your wealth substantially over shorter periods of time.  If you are going to be a trader you have to find the hottest stocks and ride them or you won't make enough of a return to survive. 

You must get familiar with stocks and have your watch lists set up so you can see what they do everyday.  If you are in a reasonable stable market you will gradually start to see the trends of how the best stocks move and just how quickly you can get a return on your investment.  It is even a good idea to have a practice trading account so you can try to understand the trends of the market better.  A lot of the stock market is all about momentum.  Sometimes there is no reason for a stock to run higher and higher other than the fact that people keep on buying.  There is nothing wrong with getting on that train for a while as long as you put your stop orders in to keep you from getting whip sawed.  

The best education in stocks occurs when you have your own money on the line.  So if you want to learn to trade you have to get an online account and put a few bucks in and start trading.  Your practice account will teach you some thing but you will never get the same experience as when you have some of your own hard earned money on the line.  If you are going to succeed you need to be able to handle the pressures of trading your own funds.  Otherwise you should just be a broker and trade with other people's money and collect commissions.
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